
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

OOps! To the tune of $335+ tax...

Well, apparently I have no concept of time when I'm on vacation... See, apparently we were supposed to check out today to go home.  But as I was in complete cluelessness - having ACTUALLY RELAXED FOR A CHANGE - we got up, went about our business as usual, minding the pouring rain and thinking about what we would do today since we couldn't be at the beach or pool.... Never thinking about the date, of course.  KNOWING we were checking out on the 22nd. BUT never correlating the date with the day....

We went off to the Texas State Aquarium with two VERY FUSSY kids... finally arriving with children asleep and after a very nice ferry ride across Aransas pass.  Premium parking (in the close lot which, apparently, no one ever tries to park in), tickets to the tune of $65, seeing the dolphin, sharks, and petting the Ray's (flattened sharks as Gabby likes to refer to them).

Returning home with DVD in the player to keep kids calm, and finally arriving an hour later after stopping at the grocery store to pick up the fixin's for spagetti (I was dying for something I cooked) - only to discover our key's didn't work.  Suddenly it dawned on me. Today is the 22nd. We're checking out on the 22nd.  Oh, no. 

So off I went to the office - Jonathan and the girls returned to the car with the groceries to wait until I came back.  I explained to the very nice lady at the counter that I had made a terrible mistake. She laughed and told me "it happened." They were, apparently, waiting for our return.  They had cleared the reservation for our unit and moved it to another, and had cleared the night for us to stay.  Wow. What luck for us.  Considering it was 5:30 pm, no supper in sight, and kids FREAKING OUT.

Alls well that ended well. With a nice spagetti supper, coloring with Rachel, and watching the newest Shrek movie. :)

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